Getting Excited for Winter 2018!
We've been busy here at the ski factory building skis as fast as we can and we cannot wait for our first snow!
The first snow for us means a sigh of relief; all of our hard work building skis will finally culminate with our customer's first ski runs of the year. We have a simple goal of making you smile more than you ever have on the snow. So make sure you share your first snow experience with us by using #skishaggys on social media!
Outside of building skis, I think everyone here at Shaggy's is ready for their first turns of the season. For me it's going to be tough to beat 30" of fresh lake effect powder, but as long as I'm sliding downhill, I'll be smiling ear-to-ear! We'd love to hear about your first snow experiences in the comments below!
At the ski factory, we've been building a lot of our new Limited Edition Ski - "The Patriot". They've been looking really good and we cannot wait to see them on the snow this winter. We've also been knocking out a lot of orders for our new Hubbell 85s and Brockway 95s with our nanoMAG Damping System. This damping system greatly reduces ski chatter at high speed in bad snow conditions. I'll write up a whole post on this new ski technology soon!
While I could keep going on about getting excited for the first snow and updating you on what's going on here at the ski factory, I better get back to work!
Jeff Thompson